

De Webdesign Centrale is a spin off of Digizaal V.O.F It is an effort to attend to the small market segment we feel is locally neglected. Currently in the market place there are several companies that provide small business solution but in order to use them you would need to have some technology understanding. Our aim is for small business to do what their are best at, their own business. If you are a small enterprise owner, you most likely do not have the time to learn the necessary skills to build and manage a website. It is also time consuming and it has a learning curb. We want to offer you the opportunity to be visible in today’s market place. If you don’t have a website you will depend 100 percent on foot traffic or word-of-mouth. This is can be isolating of your business potential. In today’s marketplace it is necessary to be visible in the internet is some way. De Webdesign Centrale is the answer to this pressing dilemma small business face in today’s marketplace.

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